Compose :: Melbourne Speaker - Keira Hodgkison

Compose :: Melbourne will feature many excellent speakers. One of this year's lineup is Keira Hodgkison. If you want to see the whole lineup look here!

3:30pm - Keira Hodgkison

The Why and How of ReasonML. A Non-Functional Programmer's Perspective

This talk is a general introduction to ReasonML and ReasonReact. Created by Facebook, ReasonML is a syntax layer and toolchain for OCaml and yet another compile-to-JavaScript, typed language. ReasonReact marries ReasonML's type-safety with the React component model while leveraging the existing ecosystem for developers seeking a better working experience across both web and native apps.

Since its release in March 2017, the ReasonReact syntax has moved quickly. In this brief overview, attendees should gain an understanding of the the language's evolution, the ethos surrounding it and how it might shape development in the future.

About Keira Hodgkison

Keira is a developer at Culture Amp, the world's leading culture analytics platform. She works with React, Flow, and Rails on solutions to help customers share, and act upon company employee engagement data. Keira is an advocate for using functional programming techniques to improve the JavaScript coding and refactoring experience. When she's not writing code, she can be found under a large cat.